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SeedTime Money (Christian living & Personal Finances)

Aug 24, 2023

Today we are looking at our 14-Point Checklist to Give Away a Million Dollars. We delve into our personal journey of giving away a million dollars and break down a 14-point checklist that guided us. This isn't just about our experience; it's about providing you with ideas and inspiration to reach your own financial and giving goals.

So, see you on the inside!


Want our 14-point checklist? DM @seedtime (, or send an email to and request your free PDF copy!




Watch this episode on our SeedTime Money Podcast YouTube channel (!


If you haven’t checked out our best-selling book Simple Money, Rich Life (, we think you’ll love it. It was named the 2022 Book of the Year by ICFH and has over 600 5-star reviews on Amazon, and is best described as “a money book for people who don’t read money books.” 

You can take it for a test drive for FREE at where you can download chapter 1 of the audiobook, grab the 1st 2 chapters of the ebook version, and even get the 5-week book study companion guide.